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New Pool Guidelines

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An Important Message from
The Barcelona Master Association President, Goran Yordanoff

To all Barcelona Owners/Residents:

In the past year it seems like we have all a front-row seat to the death of civility throughout the world. Airplanes are now places where passengers physically assault flight attendants and each other. Parents have to spend their days in quiet, desperate fear as they pray their children come home alive from school. People cannot disagree without viewing each other as enemies.
We are witnessing the breakdown of respect, decency, and personal responsibility. This is happening at our Barcelona community pool.
Just in the past 3 days our management office has been advised of multiple examples of blatant disregard for pool guidelines and multiple verbal altercations between residents. These confrontations include profanity laden tirades, intimidation, and loud threatening shouting. These terrible episodes happened in the presence of small children and other residents who were simply trying to enjoy some quiet time by the pool. Things like this have not happened before in the almost 50 year history of this condo complex.
Let me make it perfectly clear that such behavior will not be tolerated at the Barcelona swimming pool. NO resident should feel threatened and unsafe by someone else acting belligerent and hostile.
Respect and civility are no longer optional. Everyone needs to feel safe and enjoy their lives. If someone can’t manage their conduct, they won’t keep their pool privileges.

This unsustainable situation in the pool area needs to be brought under control immediately. Video surveillance will be enhanced in the pool area by adding additional cameras and management has also been instructed to attempt to find a pool attendant that will check names against a list of residents upon entry. If someone doesn’t provide their name and unit number they will be considered trespassing and the Skokie Police will be called to remove them from the property. The Barcelona had this exact same system in place many years ago so this is not an unusual request for residents to deal with. We ask for your cooperation in making this system as painless and as positive as possible. Too many abuses are being taken with the pool rules and with the 'honor system' we currently have in place. We are relying on people to be civilized and respectful. Like the old saying goes, "it just takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone else".

In addition, we have a chronic problem of people from outside our Barcelona community gaining access to the pool. Not a week goes by that there isn't someone complaining about residents opening the gate for strangers or people following a resident closely behind as they enter. Owners are fed up with our pool being used by whoever wishes to come by for a swim and we currently have no structure in place where the Association has someone to 'police' the pool area.
It is OK to say “NO” to someone if you don't recognize them as a resident.
2 guests are allowed per resident, TWO and only TWO.
Make sure you review the updated Pool Guidelines that go into effect immediately. A copy will also be mailed to your unit by management. Please share content of these rules with any children who live with you AND with your guests if they want to visit the pool. These Guidelines will also be posted inside each building.

There will be NO excuses of "I didn't get it" or "I didn't read it."
All pool users must abide by these guidelines at all times. Ignoring these guidelines may result in an immediate loss of pool access.
Our management company and the Barcelona Condominiums Master Association have the authority, at all times, to maintain order in the pool and reserves the right to modify these rules and guidelines at any time.

As President of the Barcelona Master Association, I consider resident safety and quality of life my paramount concern and will take decisive action when necessary.
Goran Yordanoff, President Barcelona Condominium Master Association

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